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Gateway Updater Plain

Update gateway by its owner.



function updateFeeInEUR() external view returns (uint256)

Gateway update fee in EUR.

Return Values

[0]uint256gateway update fee in EUR (18 decimals)


function updateFeeInTHIX() external view returns (uint256)

Gateway update fee in THIX.

Return Values

[0]uint256gateway update fee in THIX (18 decimals)


function update(bytes32 gatewayId, uint8 antennaGain, uint8 frequencyPlan, int64 location, uint8 altitude, uint256 maxFee) external

Update gateway details, must be called from the gateway owners account.

on success the GatewayRegistry will raise the GatewayUpdated event and the THIX token will raise the Transfer event with the to address set to the zero address (burn onboard fee). Use the value of the Transfer event to determine the update fee in THIX that was burned. The fee is paid in THIX but set in EUR. Therefore an exchange rate is used to calculate the amount of THIX to burn to pay for the update fee. This exchange rate is updated periodically. Therefore it is possible that this exchange rate changed between the moment the transaction was sent and processed and will fail. If the rate decreased the amount of tokens required to update the gateway is higher than the moment the transaction was sent. With maxFee the user can specify the max amount of tokens he is willing to burn to onboard the gateway. E.g. if the user is willing to burn 10% more tokens to onboard the gateway than the existing fee he can specify maxFee as 1.10 * updateFeeInThix(). Only the amount of tokens to burn is burned from the users wallet. Excesses tokens specified in maxFee are untouched.


gatewayIdbytes32gateway unique identifier
antennaGainuint8antenna gain multiplied by 10 (e.g. 3.3dBi -> 33)
frequencyPlanuint8gateway lora region
locationint64gateway location H3 index at resolution 10
altitudeuint8gateway altitude divided by 3 (e.g. 33m -> 11)
maxFeeuint256max fee in THIX (18 decimals) owner is willing to pay as update fee.