The ThingsIX network is based on routing based on the LoRaWAN NetIDs. Therefore for users of the ThingsIX network there are three options:
Use one of the evaluation routers hosted by the ThingsIX Foundation to evaluate ThingsIX. The evaluation router is limited to two devices per user. To get an account e-mail
and include: Your company name / or personal name and the region (Europe/North-America/Oceania) you are located. You will receive credentials for one of the ThingsIX Foundation evaluation routers.Find and contract a ThingsIX Router operator to route packets for your IoT-devices. In this case you are using the NetID of the operator. Please find an overview of ThingsIX router-as-a-service providers and their contact details in the router-as-a-service-overview.
Run one or more ThingsIX router(s) yourself. To do so you need to have a NetID assigned. The NetID is not specific for ThingsIX and can be re-used for other networks. Existing LoRa Alliance members can contact the LoRa Alliance to get their NetID assigned. Non-members can get a NetID assigned for a small fee. For more information see the LoRa Alliance NetID FAQ. For now contact
for more instructions on how to operate a router once you got a NetID assigned.