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Installing ThingsIX router

The ThingsIX router is used to receive packets from ThingsIX forwarders that are intended for your NetID or DevAddr-prefix+mask (we will use NetID from now on in this guide, but everywhere the DevAddr is also applicable). This allows a LoRaWAN® network operator to use all the gateways available on the ThingsIX network to build or extend it's network. Currently using the ThingsIX network is free. Later the used airtime will need to be paid.

Help needed?

Head over to the ThingsIX Discord to get community support. Or contact for options for dedicated support.

We recommend running the ThingsIX router in a scalable architecture, as the router will need to scale with the number of ThingsIX forwarders that are connecting to your router. Within ThingsIX for the demo console we use Kubernetes to scale-out our architecture.

For each frequency-plan and NetID you can specify a separate FQDN (hostname) and port in the ThingsIX Router Registry. We recommend to setup a specific MQTT cluster per frequency-plan as this allows for distributing the load. However you can also run all the frequency-plans on a single MQTT cluster. This MQTT-cluster is used by Chirpstack to exchange the packets with the ThingsIX Forwarder.

Currently only Chirpstack is v4 is supported. Please let us know if you are looking for support for other Network Servers!

Creating the configuration

Create a directory to hold the configuration:

mkdir /etc/thingsix-router/

Generate a key for the router (in this example we are creating a key for eu868):

docker run --rm -v /etc/thingsix-router/:/etc/thingsix-router key generate /etc/thingsix-router/eu868.key

This will give the following output:

router key written to: /etc/thingsix-router/eu868.key
router id: d059a04407ca9683297bfbcb4236391c7f26406a71e11a51868b3b2ead0a64dc

Keep note of the router id, we will need it later. You can also find it by opening the key-file.

Create and fill the config (/etc/thingsix-router/config.yaml) with your configuration:

level: info # [trace,debug,info,warn,error,fatal,panic]
timestamp: true

keyfile: /etc/thingsix-router/$REGION.key

port: 3200

renew_interval: 5m
# Enter global API key from Chirpstack
# set to true for local connections
insecure: true
# target uses GRPC target naming "dns:<hostname>:<port>"

marshaler: protobuf
state_retained: true
keep_alive: 30s
max_reconnect_interval: 1m
max_token_wait: 1s
event_topic_template: $REGION/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}
command_topic_template: $REGION/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#

- tcp://$MQTT_HOST:1883
username: "$MQTT_USERNAME"
password: "$MQTT_PASSWORD"
clean_session: true

path: /metrics

Replace the $VARIABLES with the appropriate values for your environment. Make sure the topic-templates match with what's configured in the Chirstack region-specific configuration.

Create a global API-key in Chirpstack (so not one in a tenant) and set it in the config. This API-key is used by the forwarder to get all the DevEUIs required the route joins.

Running the router

Now we can start and run the router:

docker run -d -p 3200:3200/tcp --restart unless-stopped -v /etc/thingsix-router/:/etc/thingsix-router --name router-eu868

Check the logs using

docker logs router-eu868

Adding router in ThingsIX forwarder registry

Now contact ThingsIX Foundation ( with your the hostname of your router, the NetID/DevAddr-prefix and frequency-plan and an address of the wallet that will pay for the airtime in the future (the owner). Please note that we will verify if you are allowed to use the NetID.