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Mapper Lottery

To obtain a mapper, users can participate in a lottery by buying a ticket using an ERC20 token. After the ticket buy period closes, a random value is generated to determine the results. The ThingsIX Foundation will then publish the outcome, and users with winning tickets will receive a mapper. Those who did not win can reclaim the tokens they used to buy their tickets.

When the Foundation has a batch of mappers available, it will announce a lottery. Note that mappers only support one frequency plan, and all mappers in a given lottery will use the same frequency plan. Thus, users seeking a mapper must ensure they participate in lotteries offering mappers that support the frequency plan they are interested in.


Mappers cannot be bought from the ThingsIX Foundation; they can only be allocated through a lottery. Mappers always remain the property of the ThingsIX Foundation.

Ticket buying process

Buying a ticket involves several steps that are explained in this section.

Provide shipping address

The first step in buying a ticket is to provide contact details, shipping address and accept the user agreement. If you win, these details are used to ship the mapper to you. Because the ticket is administered on-chain and the contact details and shipping details are stored in a database for privacy reasons they need to be linked. This is done by signing the provided information with the same account used to buy the ticket. This cross-correlation is used to associate the ticket with the provided information. Therefore you will be asked to sign the data when submitting your details.

Grant withdraw

Tickets can be bought with an ERC20 token. Unfortunately the ERC20 specification is limited in its functionality and lacks support to add extra data to a transfer. As a result, most ERC20 tokens do not offer a method to purchase a ticket and transfer tokens in a single transaction. This was later remediated in 1363. However, this standard is relatively new and not supported by most ERC20 tokens.

Therefore, the lottery smart contract uses the withdraw pattern. Before the user can buy the ticket, they must grant the lottery contract an allowance to transfer tokens for 1 ticket from the ERC20 token contract on their behalf. This is done with ERC20.approve.

Buy ticket

The last step is to buy the ticket. Each address can buy 1 ticket. The lottery contract will perform various checks, and if all pass, it will make the withdraw and create a new ticket that is assigned to the user.

Request draw random value

After the ticket buy period has ended, there is a cooldown period during which the lottery is frozen. After this cooldown period has passed, anyone can request a random value through the dashboard which is used for the lottery draw. This random value is retrieved from the ChainLinks VRF Oracle, which is an independent source of random data. The ThingsIX Foundation has no affiliation with Chainlink beyond a subscription that pays for their service, ensuring that the ThingsIX Foundation cannot influence the lottery results.


Only the first random request will be accepted. It is possible that your request may fail due to someone else being faster. This is normal and there is no cause for concern.

After the Oracle has accepted the request, it will provide a random value to the lottery smart contract, which will take some time. Once the lottery has received the random value, it will store it on-chain and associate it with the lottery. The dashboard will also display this random value once it becomes available.

Offline draw

With the random value available, the ThingsIX Foundation will determine the results using an open-source tool, which can be found here. The algorithm to perform the draw can be found here. In summary, for each purchased ticket, a number is calculated based on the buyer's wallet address, the ticket number, and the lottery's random value. The tickets are then sorted by this number, and the first available mappers tickets will win. With this tool, it is possible to calculate the results yourself and verify that the ThingsIX Foundation has published the correct results.

View results

Once the results are published by the ThingsIX Foundation, the dashboard will indicate whether you have won or lost in the lottery. If you lost, you can claim back the tokens you paid for your ticket. If you won, the mapper will be shipped to the address provided during the ticket-buying process.

Verify lottery results

First compile the tool with the instructions in the repository.

You will need to provide the lottery contract address that can be found here. In addition, you will need to provide an RPC endpoint to a Polygon RPC node. Polygon offers a free-to-use endpoint on, but we have found that it does not always work. Chainlist also offers a list of free-to-use Polygon RPC endpoints (click on the drop-down arrow in the Polygon Mainnet box) that you can try. There are also commercial parties offering an RPC endpoint, some of which offer a free endpoint for low usage after you create an account. An example is Alchemy.

Request a list of lotteries to determine for which lottery you want to verify the results:

$ ./mapper-lottery --lottery-contract <lottery-contract-address> --rpc-endpoint <rpc-endpoint> list
| 1 | open | 2023-01-24 10:08:20 +0100 CET | 2023-01-25 01:08:20 +0100 CET | | 1.0 USDC | EU868 | 2 | 0 | 0xE097d6B3100777DC31B34dC2c58fB524C2e76921 |
| 2 | finished | 2023-01-24 10:20:48 +0100 CET | 2023-01-24 10:35:48 +0100 CET | 0xeea7384c878c8cd94352e2c9041c7f61a7b0486cfd768daff7ee0f650e124e89 | 1.0 USDC | EU868 | 2 | 3 | 0xE097d6B3100777DC31B34dC2c58fB524C2e76921 |

In this example there are 2 lotteries. The first one is still running, while the second lottery has finished and the results are available. Let's check which tickets won and which tickets lost for lottery 2. We will also provide the --verify flag. With this flag, the tool will compare the locally calculated results with the results stored in the lottery draw for approximately 20% of the tickets, selected randomly. If it finds a deviation, it will print a warning with the ticket and lottery number for which the result doesn't match.

$ ./mapper-lottery --lottery-contract <lottery-contract-address> --rpc-endpoint <rpc-endpoint> tickets 2 --verify
| 3 | 0x094CaB3eCd74ee71fC583CF737dBC474F72301b0 | 0x131ecd5d9e8bb660b71c52826d18a59d03264d365b2caf24ae95dff9a49b8780 | won |
| 1 | 0x782123189312Aa15c2C50A87F7Fe737DE38f3569 | 0x69ec7af3ebb1df1fd21b1aa49a8bfc1fc9d6a6887d8808ba5e8fbd22573b11b3 | won |
| 2 | 0xE10A9A4263eE02062f1248Ff79090cAF48176E01 | 0xf64e5e758d3e9a0bdda35f484eaee1fcd7a5e9a92a84f8ade1f4bd9423818cae | lost |
winning ticket numbers: [1,3]